Nico Fischer
Associate Professor
NRF-DSI SARChI Chair in Sustainable Catalysis
Deputy Director Catalysis Institute
Catalysis Institute and c*change
Department of Chemical Engineering
Building No 54, Cnr Ring Road and South Lane
Upper Campus, University of Cape Town
Office 5.10
Private Bag X3
7701 Rondebosch
South Africa
Tel: + 27 21 650 1837
Ph. D. thesis
University of Cape Town, South Africa, Prof. Dr. M. Claeys & Prof. Dr. E. van Steen
“Preparation of nano- and ångstrøm-sized cobalt ensembles and their performance in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis”
Chemical engineering studies
University of Karlsruhe (KIT), Germany
Technical biology
Chemistry and engineering of fossil and renewable combustibles
Employment History
Since 01/2023
NRF-DSI SARChI Chair in Sustainable Catalysis
Since 01/2018
Associate Professor at the Catalysis Institute and DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis (c*change), University of Cape Town, South Africa
Senior Research Officer at the Centre for Catalysis Research and DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis (c*change), University of Cape Town, South Africa
Research scientist, laboratory team leader, heterogeneous oxidation catalysts, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Journal Publications
M.I. Fadlalla, R. Mohamed, D. Susac, T.M. Nyathi, S. Blair, M. Claeys, E. van Steen, P. Kooyman, J.C.Q. Fletcher & N. Fischer
Catalysis as a driver for sustainable technologies in Africa –A perspective by the Catalysis Institute at the University of Cape Town
Scientific African 20 (2023) e01657.
T.M. Nyathi, M.I. Fadlalla, N. Fischer, A.P.E. York, E.J. Olivier, E. K. Gibson, P.P. Wells & M. Claeys
Co3O4/TiO2 catalysts studied in situ during the preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide: the effect of different TiO2 polymorphs
Catalysis Science & Technology 13 (2023) 2038-2052.
L.B. Ngema, M.D. Farahani, S. Raseale, N. Fischer, A.S. Mohamed, S. Singh & H.B. Friedrich
In situ construction of a highly active surface interface for a Co3O4|ZrO2 catalyst enhancing the CO-PrOx activity
Surfaces and Interfaces 38 (2023) 102826.
K. Jeske, T. Rösler, M. Bellefla, T. Rodenas, N. Fischer, M. Claeys, W. Leitner, A.J. Vorholt & G. Prieto
Direct conversion of syngas to higher-alcohols via tandem integration of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and reductive hydroformylation
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 61 (2022) e202201004.
N. Fischer & J.C.Q. Fletcher
Chemical Engineering in South Africa
Bunsen Magazin, 1 (2022) 14-16.
W. Marquart, S. Raseale, M. Claeys & N. Fischer
Promoted MoxCy-based catalysts for the CO2 oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane
ChemCatChem, 2022, e202200267.
S. Raseale, W. Marquart, K. Jeske, G. Prieto, M. Claeys and N. Fischer
Supported FexNiy catalysts for the co-activation of CO2 and small alkanes
Faraday Discussions, 229 (2021) 208.
W. Marquardt, S. Raseale, G. Prieto, A. Zimina, B.B. Sarma, J.-D. Grunwaldt, M. Claeys & N. Fischer
CO2 reduction over Mo2C-based catalysts
ACS Catalysis, 11 (2021) 1624.
W. Marquart, M. Claeys & N. Fischer
Conversion of CO2 and small alkanes to platform chemicals over Mo2C-based catalysts
Faraday Discussions, 230 (2021) 1359.
M. Maphutha, D. de Oliveira, T.M. Nyathi, M.I. Fadlalla, R. Henkel. N. Fischer & M. Claeys
Hydrothermal sintering and oxidation of an alumina-supported nickel methanation catalyst studied using in situ magnetometry
Catalysis, 11 (2021) 636.
T.M. Nyathi, M.I. Fadlalla, N. Fischer, A.P.E. York, E.J. Oliver, E.K. Gibson, P.P. Wells & M. Claeys
Support and Gas Environment Effects on the Preferential Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide over Co3O4 Catalysts Studied in situ
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 297 (2021) 120450.
M. Wolf, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
Formation of metal-support compounds in the cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: A review
Chem Catalysis, 1 (2021) 1-28.
van Steen, J.W. Niemantsverdriet, G.J. Hutchings, M. Claeys & N. Fischer
Catalysis Today, 342 (2020) 1.
Wolf, E.K. Gibson, E.J. Olivier, J.H. Nethling, C.R. Catlow, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“In-depth characterisation of metal-support compounds in spent Co/SiO2 Fischer-Tropsch model catalysts”
Catalysis Today, 342 (2020) 71.
Raseale, W. Marquart, K. Jeske, G. Prieto, M. Claeys and N. Fischer
“Supported FexNiy catalysts for the co-activation of CO2 and small alkanes”
Faraday Discussions, (2020) DOI: 10.1039/C9FD00130A
Fischer and M. Claeys
“In situ characterization of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts – a review”
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, (2020) DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/ab761c
T.M. Nyathi, N. Fischer, A.P.E. York and M. Claeys
“Environment-dependent catalytic performance and phase stability of Co3O4 in the preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide studied in situ”
ACS Catalysis, 10 (2020) 11892.
Wolf, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“Water-induced deactivation of cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts”
Nature Catalysis, 3 (2020) 962.
Wolf, E.K. Gibson, E.J. Olivier, J.H. Nethling, C.R. Catlow, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“In-depth characterisation of metal-support compounds in spent Co/SiO2 Fischer-Tropsch model catalysts”
Catalysis Today, (2019)
D.B. Bukur, L. Silvester, N. Fischer, M. Claeys, A.A. Lemonidou
“On the use of an in situ magnetometer to study redox and sintering properties of NiO based oxygen carrier materials for chemical looping steam methane reforming”
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 18093.
Fratalocchi, L. Lietti, C.G. Visconti, N. Fischer, M. Claeys
“Catalytic consequences of platinum deposition order on cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts with low and high cobalt oxide dispersion”
Catalysis Science & Technology, (2019) DOI: 10.1039/c9cy00347a
Wolf, E.K. Gibson, E.J. Olivier, J.H. Nethling, C.R. Catlow, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“Water-Induced formation of cobalt-support compounds under simulated high conversion Fischer-Tropsch environment”
ACS Catalysis, 9 (2019) 4902.
Wolf, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“Capturing the interconnectivity of water-induced oxidation and sintering of cobalt nanoparticles during the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in situ”
Journal of Catalysis, 374 (2019) 199.
Wolf, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“Preparation of isolated Co3O4 and fcc-Co crystallites in the nanometer range employing exfoliated graphite as novel support material”
Nanoscale Advances, (2019) DOI: 10.1039/c9na00291j.
Nyathi, N. Fischer, A.P.E. York, D.J. Morgan, G.J. Hutchings, E.K. Gibson, P.P. Wells, C.R.A. Catlow & M. Claeys
“Impact of nanoparticle-support interactions in Co3O4/Al2O3 catalysts for the preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide”
ACS Catalysis, 9 (2019) 7166.
L. Fratalocchi, C.G. Visconti, L. Lietti, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“A promising preparation method for highly active cobalt based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts supported on stabilized Al2O3“
Applied Catalysis A, General, 556 (2018) 92.
M. Wolf, B.K. Mutuma, N. J. Coville, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“Role of CO in the water-induced formation of cobalt oxide in a high conversion Fischer-Tropsch environment”
ACS Catalysis, 8 (2018) 3985.
M. Wolf, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“Surfactant-free synthesis of monodisperse cobalt oxide nanoparticles of tunable size and oxidation state developed by factorial design”
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 213 (2018) 305.
Marquart, D.J. Morgan, G.J. Hutchings, M. Claeys & N. Fischer
“Oxygenate formation over K/β-Mo2C catalysts in the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis”
Catalysis Science & Technology, 8 (2018) 3806.
Khasu, T. Nyathi, D.J. Morgan, G.J. Hutchings, M. Claeys & N. Fische
“Co3O4 morphology in the preferential oxidation of CO”
Catalysis Science & Technology, 7 (2017) 4806.
M. Wolf, H. Kotzé, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“Size dependent stability of cobalt nanoparticles on silica under high conversion Fischer-Tropsch environment“
Faraday Discussions, 197 (2017) 243.
T. Nyathi, N. Fischer, A. York & M. Claeys
“Effect of crystallite size on the performance and phase transformation of Co3O4/Al2O3 catalysts during CO-PrOx – an in situ study“
Faraday Discussions, 197 (2017) 269.
N. Fischer, S. A. Kondrat & M. Shozi
“Faraday Discussions meeting Catalysis for Fuels“
Chemical Communications, 53 (2017) 4880.
Claeys, E. van Steen, H. Niemantsverdriet, M. Vosloo & N. Fischer
Catalysis Today 275 (2016) 1.
N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“Phase changes studied under in situ conditions – a novel cell”
Catalysis Today 275 (2016) 149.
M. Wolf, N. Fischer & M. Claeys
“Effectiveness of catalyst passivation techniques studied in situ with a magnetometer”
Catalysis Today 275 (2016) 135.
Fischer, R. Henkel, H. Kotzé, M. Fürst, J. Olivier, J. Neethling & M. Claeys
“Acetonitrile via CO hydrogenation in the presence of NH3“
Catalysis Communications 87 (2016) 14.
N. Fischer, H.G. Manyar & A. Roldan
“Highlights from the Faraday Discussion: Design of new heterogeneous catalysts, London, UK, April 2016”
Chemical Communications 52 (2016) 8335.
N. Fischer, R. Henkel, B. Hettel, M. Iglesias, G. Schaub & M. Claeys
“Hydrocarbons via CO2 hydrogenation over iron catalysts – the effect of potassium on structure and performance”
Catalysis Letters 146 (2016) 509.
N. Fischer, B. Clapham, T. E. Feltes & M. Claeys
“Cobat based Fischer-Tropsch activity and selectivity as a function of crystallite size and water partial pressure”
ACS Catalysis 5 (2015) 113.
T. Sango, N. Fischer, R. Henkel, F. Roessner, E. van Steen & M. Claeys
“Formation of nitrogen containing compounds from ammonia co-fed to the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis”
Applied Catalysis A: General 502 (2015) 150.
N. Fischer, P. Hubach & C. Woll
“Incorporation of micro-reactor measurements into a pilot scale phthalic anhydride reactor“
Chemie Ingenieurs Technik 87 (2015) 159.
N. Fischer, B. Clapham, T. E. Feltes, E. van Steen & M. Claeys
“Size-dependent phase transformation of catalytically active nanoparticles captured in situ”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (2014) 1342.
N. Fischer, E. van Steen & M. Claeys
“Tri-cobalt carboxylate as catalyst and catalyst precursor in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis”
ChemCatChem 6 (2014) 1707.
N. Fischer, E. van Steen & M. Claeys
“Structure sensitivity of Fischer-Tropsch activity and selectivity on supported cobalt catalysts”
Journal of Catalysis 299 (2013) 67.
R.P. Mogorosi, N. Fischer, M. Claeys & E. van Steen
“Strong metal support interactions by molecular design: Fe-silicate interactions in FT catalysts”
Journal of Catalysis 289 (2012) 140.
Fischer, M. Minneman, M. Bäumer, E. van Steen & M. Claeys
“Metal support interactions in Co3O4/Al2O3 catalysts prepared from w/o microemulsions”
Catalysis Letters 142 (2012) 830.
N. Fischer, E. van Steen & M. Claeys
“Preparation of supported nano-sized cobaltoxide and fcc cobalt crystallites”
Catalysis Today 171 (2011) 174.
Book Chapters
N. Fischer, T. Feltes & M. Claeys
“Chapter 45 – Reverse Micelles – Designer Nanoparticles for Investigative Catalysis” pp 547-560
CRC – Concise Encyclopaedia of Nanotechnology, Eds: B.I. Kharisov, O.V. Kharissova, and U. Ortiz Méndez (2015) ISBN 9781466580343.
Fischer, C. Galeano, M. Kraemer, M. Schubert, J. Zuehlke & H.-M. Allmann
“Catalyst system for oxidizing o-xylol and/or naphthalene into phthalic anhydride”
WO2015/121483 A1
André, N. Fischer, P. Hubach & C. Walsdorff
“Use of gamma iron (III) oxide (gamma-Fe2O3) containing particles for the prevention of biofouling and/or growth of microorganisms”
WO2015/193134 A1
M. Kraemer, S. Altwasser, F. Rosowski, J. Zuehlke, H.-M. Allmann & N. Fischer
“Catalyst for preparing carboxylic acids and/or carboxylic anhydrides”
WO2014/013397 A2/A3
US9029289 B2 (2015)
N. Fischer, M. Braeu & C.-K. Dobner
“Use of vanadium-containing particles as biocide”
WO2014/195772 A1
N. Fischer, M. Kraemer, J. Zuehlke & H.-M. Allmann
“Process for preparing phthalic anhydride”
WO2014/207603 A2
M. Kraemer, N. Fischer, J. Zuehlke & H.-M. Allmann
“Process for starting up a gas phase oxidation reactor”
WO2014/207604 A2
US9656983 B2 (2017)
M. Claeys and N. Fischer
“Sample presentation device for radiation based analytical equipment”
WO2013/005180 A1
US8597598 B2 (2013)
ZA201309585 B (2013)
JP6001067 B2 (2016)