Impressions of our past activities such as scientific meetings, student and researcher workshops and our annual symposium.
Third annual Good Research Practice Course for all national MSc students held from the 13th to the 16th of April 2015 at The Platteklip Wash House in Cape Town.
First international SynGas Convention 2012 at the Vineyard Hotel in Cape Town.
Second international SynGas Convention 2015 at the Vineyard Hotel in Cape Town.
Fourth annual Good Research Practice Course for all national MSc students held from the 3rd to the 6st of May 2016 at The Platteklip Wash House in Cape Town.
Impressions of the first ever Faraday Discussion on the African continent; 'Catalysis for Fuels' January 2017.
Scientific Leadership Course presented by the SynCat Ac@demy for early career c*change researchers - January 2017.
Fifth annual Good Research Practice Course for all national MSc students held from the 3rd to the 6st of May 2016 at The Platteklip Wash House in Cape Town.
The first c*hemRoots kit on Acid Base Chemistry was launched in January 2017 during a teacher's conference at UCT.
For the third time c*change organized an Autumn School preceding the SynGas Convention. This time the focus was on 'Industrial Catalysis and CO2 activation'
Third international SynGas Convention 2015 at the Vineyard Hotel in Cape Town.
The first ANSDAC workshop was held from the 28th of November to the 7th of December 2018 at UCT.