Prof Kim Clarke
Department of Process Engineering
Banghoek Road
South Africa
Room: C306
Tel: +27 21 808 4421
Fax: +27 21 808 2059
Kim Clarke is a registered Professional Engineer with over 15 years’ experience in academia. Her research profile focuses on the application of process engineering principles for the enhancement of catalyst performance in the biological context. A wide range of biological processes are researched, including those using bacterial, fungal and enzymic biocatalysts, resting and active cells, batch, fed-batch and continuous strategies and free and immobilised configurations.
PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, South Africa “A reassessment of the production of acetone and butanol by Clostridium acetobutylicum in continuous culture”
MScEng, Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom “The growth and metabolite production by Aspergillus terreus in a tower fermenter”
BScEng, Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Recent Employment History (from 2008)
Current: Associate Professor, Process Engineering, Stellenbosch University
2004 – 2008: Senior Lecturer, Process Engineering, Stellenbosch University
Selected Recent Publications (from 2008)
Rangarajan V. and Clarke K.G. (In press) “Process development and intensification for enhanced production of Bacillus lipopeptides.” Biotechnol. Genet. Eng. Rev.
Hollis P.G. and Clarke K.G. (In press) “A systematic quantification and correlation of oxygen transfer coefficients and interfacial area in simulated model hydrocarbon-based bioprocesses in stirred tank reactors.” J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol.
du Preez R., Clarke K.G., Callanan L.H. and Burton S.G. (2015) “Modelling of Immobilised Enzyme Biocatalytic Membrane Reactor Performance.” J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzym. 119, 48-53.
Pretorius D., van Rooyen J. and Clarke K.G. (2015) “Enhanced production of antifungal lipopeptides by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens for biocontrol of postharvest disease.” New Biotechnol. 32, 243-252.
Clarke K.G. (2013) “Bioprocess Engineering: An introductory engineering and life science approach.” Elsevier (Woodhead Publishing), Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Clarke K.G. and Manyuchi M.M. (2012) ”Methodology for advanced measurement accuracy of the overall volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient with application to hydrocarbon-aqueous dispersions.” J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 87, 1615-1618.
Velankar H., Clarke K.G., du Preez R., Cowan D. and Burton S.G. (2010) ”Developments in nitrile and amide biotransformation processes.” Trends in Biotechnology 28, 561-569.
Clarke K.G., Ballot F. and Reid S. (2010) ”Enhanced rhamnolipid production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa under phosphate limitation.” World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 26, 2179-2184. Impact Factor 1.779
Correia L.D.C., Aldrich C and Clarke K.G. (2010) “Interfacial gas-liquid transfer area in alkane-aqueous dispersions and its impact on the overall volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient.” Biochem. Eng. J. 49, 133-137. Impact Factor 2.467
Correia L.D.C. and Clarke K.G (2009) “Measurement of the overall oxygen transfer coefficient in alkane-aqueous dispersions.” J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 84 (12), 1793-1797.
Du Preez R., Clarke K.G., Cowan D.A. and Burton S.G. (2009) “Performance of an amidase-immobilised membrane bioreactor.” Proceedings 8th World Congress in Chemical Engineering, ISBN 0-920804-44-6, Montreal, Canada.
Correia L.D.C., Clarke K.G. and Aldrich C. (2009) “Interfacial gas-liquid transfer in alkane-aqueous dispersions.” Proceedings 8th World Congress in Chemical Engineering, ISBN 0-920804-44-6, Montreal, Canada.
Clarke K.G. and Correia LDC (2008) ”Oxygen transfer in hydrocarbon-aqueous dispersions and its applicability in alkane bioprocesses: A review.” Biochem. Eng. J. 39, 405-429.
Johnstone-Robertson M., Clarke K.G. and Harrison S.T.L (2008) ”Characterisation of the distribution of glucose oxidase in Penicillium sp. CBS 120262 and Aspergillus niger NRRL-3 cultures and its effect on integrated product recovery.” Biotechnol. Bioeng. 99 (4), 910-918.