Dr Caryn Fenner
Research Officer
Centre for Bioprocess Engineering and Research (CeBER)
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Cape Town
Tel: 021 650 7368
Email: caryn.fenner@uct.ac.za
Caryn Fenner completed her undergraduate studies in Biochemistry and Microbiology, followed by an Honours degree in Biotechnology at Rhodes University. Following this she sought to broaden her research expertise in bioprocess engineering at UCT, where she completed her PhD in 2009. She is currently a Research Officer at the Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research (CeBER) where her work is focused on both new product and new process development using microbial and enzyme technology with a view towards the production of affordable fine chemicals and commodity bioproducts. Within the Paraffin Activation Programme of c*change, she is involved in the bioprocess optimisation of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase-mediated activation of linear alkanes for the production of valuable oxygenates such as alcohols, aldehydes, dioic acids, etc. As part of the Chemical Engineering academic staff, she also supervises postgraduate students and is part of the team lecturing Bioprocess Engineering electives. She resides in Rondebosch with her husband, Tim and two young children, Zachery and Lydia.